AVR, 8051 Development Board and Programmer
AVR, 8051 Development Board and Programmer
ATMEL 8051 89c51 89S51 Microcontroller Development board
40 pin all leads, P0 port 10K Pull up increase host exclusion Crystal: 11.0592M Power switch and power indicator light, easy to experiment DC2.1 power seat (hole 5.5MM, 2.1MM core ) The external expansion 3 Group Expansion Power Interface Reset...
Rs. 350.00
Rs. 249.00
SPI BIOS FLASH Non-Dismantling Test Program Clip SOP8 24C 93C 25LF
Pitch Lead: 2.54mm Pitch row: 3.81mm SOIC 8 / SOP8 Clip Supports many different EEPROMS 150mil / 209mil – 24Cxx, 25Cxx, 93Cxx, 95xxx, 25Lxx --This is an SPI BIOS FLASH Non-Dismantling Test Program IC programming clip that is perfect for...
Rs. 480.00
Rs. 399.00
Rs. 400.00
Rs. 299.00
ATMEL AVR USB ISP Programmer Support AT89S51 AT89S52, ATmega ATtiny Microcontrollers
Allows you to read or write the microcontroller flash, EEPROM, fuse bit and lock bits. Support for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (<1.5MHz). There is 5V supply option for target so...
Rs. 400.00
Rs. 299.00
AVR USB Programmer Device for ATMEL Processors
Compatible Chips: ATMega Series Tiny Series Classic Series CAN Series PWM Series The USB ASP AVR Programming Device for ATMEL processors is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. USB ASP AVR Programming Device for ATMEL Processors simply consists...
Rs. 450.00
Rs. 199.00
USB ASP AVR Programming Device for ATMEL Processors
Compatible Chips: ATMega Series Tiny Series Classic Series CAN Series PWM Series The USB ASP AVR Programming Device for ATMEL processors is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers. USB ASP AVR Programming Device for ATMEL Processors simply consists...
Rs. 450.00
Rs. 349.00
Rs. 3,500.00
Rs. 2,199.00
ATMEGA128 minimum development board / AVR development board / AVR smallest system original chip
◆ use of new original ATMEGA128A chip◆ Reset button.◆ Onboard 8M crystal, the socket can be replaced with other frequency crystal◆ 4-bit separate keyboard are connected to PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3◆ 4 SMD LED are connected to PB4 PB5 PB6...
Rs. 3,500.00
Rs. 2,199.00
ODROID-N2 is a new generation single board computer that is more powerful, more stable, and faster performing than N1. The main CPU of the N2 is based on big. Little architecture which integrates a quad-core ARM Cortex-A73 CPU cluster and a...
Rs. 9,999.00
8051 - Minimum System Board
This product integration buzzer, digital tube, LED block, EEPROM, LCD, temperature, infrared, independent buttons, and many other functions! Development board support for Windows XP, Windows 7 64 - bit systems. Cooperate with USB extension cord, easily implement a line program...
Rs. 1,200.00
Mini 8051 USB Programming Board - CP2102
This is the CP2102(6-pin) USB 2.0 to TTL UART serial converter module. This is a great little tool for embedded systems that require a serial connection to a computer. The board can simply attach to a USB bus and will...
Rs. 299.00
Micro 8051 PCB Module
Features & Specifications: The Micro 8051 is a single sided PCB module for 8051 series of microcontrollers. The clock and reset circuitry is available onboard. +5V power supply must be provided using the DC socket. All the pins of the...
Rs. 399.00